Jan 23, 2024 - 04:15 PM
Blepharitis, a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, can cause serious long-term effects such as dry eyes, bacterial overgrowth on the lid margin, and an increased risk of eye infections. Untreated blepharitis can also result in loss of eyelashes and scarring of the lid margins. Therefore, it's essential to maintain good lid hygiene to prevent further complications. Products such as the "All-in-One Dry Eye Starter Kit" and "Blepharitis Relief" can aid in this process. The starter kit includes a variety of treatments to alleviate dryness, while the Blepharitis Relief product offers targeted support for inflamed eyelids. Regular use of these products, in conjunction with daily cleaning of the lids with warm water and a mild cleaner, can help manage symptoms and prevent further complications.